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My Training Outline

Langer Lines


Langer Lines are collagen fibers in the dermis.  These lines are universal to all humans.  This class was designed to use these lines in a number of ways: to "prepare the field" with a general opening of the tissue for deeper work, to show the practitioner other areas of dysfunction connected to the original site of focus, for specific treatment on a small area, and for the reduction of scar tissue.





The Feet: Foundation of Your Postural Home:


These advanced techniques for the feet completely changed my approach on addressing foot issues like hammer toe, bunions, and plantar fasciitis.  The importance of opening the calf muscles which control large movements of the foot was emphasized.  This preparation opens the door for meticulous work on the 26 bones, 107 ligaments, 31 joints and 19 muscles!


Phase 5 and the Reflexes:


This class identified what I was feeling early on in my work but was not defined until Phase 5.  The focus of Phase 5 is on feeling in both hands the patterns within the client.  Those patterns show the grain of tension within a muscle or a repetitive motion.  Using that information, the practitioner can be very specific in the release positioning, can interrupt the repetitious motion, or can introduce a new pattern.  Work with the reflexes was introduced.  Stimulating the reflexes is a quick, blink and you might miss it, fix for discomfort.  Work with the reflexes may also give the practitioner a larger window to work in for those spots that are really problematic.

Post and Postural Techniques:


A great way to end a session is with Post and Postural Techniques.  They integrate the work that has been done and give the body time to assimilate the changes that have occurred.  Also, the client can be given simple exercises to prolong the benefits of this bodywork.  Occasionally, I use these techniques at the beginning of a session to bring a sense of calm and reassurance for the client.


Exploration of Movement:


Exploration of Movement gives the therapist the ability to fine tune the Phase 4 techniques specific to each person.  It awakened my palpation skills to feel glitches, spots where fluidity stops momentarily, while I am positioning the client for a general release.  Those glitches can be eliminated to allow for greater ease of motion.


Phase 4


This class is the foundation course, I use Phase 4 in every session.  The importance of this class is evident in the following numbers: the first level of training requires 32 class hours, the second requires 64.  No other class comes close to this commitment.  Phase 4 gives the practitioner release techniques for all the major joints in the body.  Even with all the training listed above, Phase 4 can be the most effective tool to use on a client and most certainly enhances the techniques of Phase 5 and beyond.

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